Here’s some transparency.
Sometimes I get busy. It starts innocently enough. I need to take a new client on a day that I usually reserve for me-time, or more likely, at least in my case, I decide to take a class – something that will just be a couple hours once a week for a couple months. That’s how I look at it. It’s just a little time for a while. Then, when I’m not looking, I get a new client. Then a really cool opportunity to work with a certain group pops up, and again, it’s only a little time for a little while. In the middle of that little while, something else pops up. I tell myself, “well, this other thing that I’ve already been doing for a bit will be over in a few minutes, hours or days, and then this new thing that I added won’t be anything big at all. It’ll just be another a little time for a little while.
And on and on and on. [Read more…] about Falling Into Busy